
How to Make a Blending Brush for Procreate

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Learn how to make a blending brush for Procreate. It’s easy to make existing brushes blend better with this easy tutorial.

Get more Procreate brush tutorials here.

ipad with blended gradient heart drawing

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All About Procreate Blending Brushes

Procreate uses the smudge tool for blending. You can use it with any brush, but you can also change the brush’s smudge settings.

Different brushes create different effects.

For instance, paint-type brushes create a textured effect like you’re dragging paint around with a real paintbrush.

My favorite default brush to blend with is the soft brush in the airbrush section.

As the name suggests, it creates a soft effect similar to an airbrush. I love how smooth it is.

I explain how I use this brush for blending in my post on blending in Procreate.

How to Make a Blending Brush for Procreate

  1. Select the brush that you want to use and use your finger to slide to the left.screenshot of brush menu in procreate
  2. Select “duplicate”. (There is a reset button for default brushes, but this allows you to keep both versions of the original brush.)
  3. Under the Properties setting, you can adjust the smudge settings. smudge settings in Procreate brush studio
  4. Decreasing the smudge tool makes the effect softer. Increasing drags the color more. (I drew really slowly to capture this. When you draw at a normal speed, it doesn’t look this dramatic.)red scribbles with blending
  5. If your blending looks pixelated when you’re working, keep blending. It will smooth itself out.pixelated blending on teal circle smooth blended teal circle
  6. Be sure to test the brush as you make adjustments.
  7. If you like the brush but want to keep experimenting, duplicate it and keep playing with the settings.
  8. As you use the blending brush, you can also vary the size of your brush and the opacity for different effects.

Other Things to Try

  • A lot of the painting brushes work great for blending as is. The oil paint brush is shown below. blending with oil paint brush in Procreate app
  • Try playing with the wet effect settings. “Dilution” is like adding more water to the brush. wet mix settings for procreate brushes
  • Blending is easier if you select the area or use alpha lock on the layer.blended heart drawing screenshot
  • Try different coloring directions (up and down, back and forth, or in a circlular motion.)
  • If you decide to make a blending brush from scratch, keep in mind that the shape source texture will determine if the brush is smooth or more textured.

    A heavy texture will create a more painterly effect.

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screenshot of Procreate app brush settings

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