How to Make a Seamless Pattern Brush in Procreate (Part 2)

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Learn how to a seamless pattern brush in Procreate.

This is the 2nd part of my pattern brush tutorial. The first pattern brush tutorial focused on simple patterns. This tutorial focuses on more complicated repeating patterns and uses this technique to make seamless patterns in Procreate.

You can find even more Procreate brush tutorials here.

rainbow mushroom pattern on iPad

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As mentioned above, this tutorial uses this method for creating seamless patterns. It’s a bit complicated and I have a lot of tips and ideas for testing the pattern that I will skip in this tutorial. This post is long enough without repeating myself too much.

Seamless pattern brushes are so much fun to make and can add a lot of interest to your art. Or you might have so much fun making pattern brushes that they become your art.

Pattern brushes are also a really easy way to test seamless patterns if you’re into surface design.

iPad with pink heart pattern

How to Make a Seamless Pattern Brush in Procreate

There’s a few important things to know before getting started.

  • You have to start with a SQUARE canvas. A rectangle canvas will create a warped brush. I like to make mine at least 2000 px by 2000 px.
  • You have to use black and white. The background should be black and the pattern should be white (though it is possible to invert it in the brush-making process.) Make sure it’s solid black and solid white. You can do this in the value menu. Black will be #000000, and white will be #ffffff.procreate black color
  • You can use gray, but those parts will be transparent.
  • Working in layers will allow you to use the same artwork and recolor it for other projects. Always save an unmerged layer group.

Making the Seamless Pattern

  1. Open a new canvas and make it a square size. I usually make mine 2000 px by 2000 px, 300 DPI.
  2. Create a new layer and fill it with a bright color. yellow canvas in Procreate
  3. Make a new layer on top of that and fill it with black. black filled canvas in Procreate
  4. Turn on the drawing guide.drawing guide in Procreate
  5. Edit the drawing guide. The grid size should be set to max, increase the opacity and line thickness, and choose a bright color that will contrast with the black and white. adjusting drawing guide in procreate
  6. Make a new layer and draw with white to create your pattern. When I make patterns, I stick to the center axis for this step. mushroom illustration in procreate
  7. When you have the center area filled, it’s time to make the pattern.
  8. Group the black background layer and the drawing layer. (Group by dragging both layers to the right.)grouping layers in Procreate
  9. Duplicate the group. duplicating group in Procreate
  10. Turn the original layer off.
  11. Tap on the new group and select flatten.flattened layer in procreate
  12. Duplicate the flattened layer 3 more times.
  13. Select a layer and make sure that snapping and magnetics are toggled on and increase distance and velocity to max. This helps perfectly align the pattern to the grid. turning on magnetics and snapping in Procreate
  14. Turn off the bottom 3 layers.
  15. Select the top layer and move it to a corner.moving pattern to corner in Procreate for pattern
  16. Turn on the next layer and move it to another corner.
  17. Continue until all 4 layers are moved to corners. making mushroom pattern in procreate
  18. Turn off the drawing guide and zoom in to make sure that there are no gaps between the pattern blocks. zoomed in mushroom pattern
  19. Make a new layer and fill in the center part. filled in mushroom pattern

Turning the Pattern into a Brush

When you’re happy with your pattern, it’s time to turn it into a pattern brush.

You can turn off the drawing guides because you won’t need them anymore.

  1. Make sure that all of the layers are turned on and copy the canvas. mushroom pattern in procreate
  2. Make a new brush.
  3. Change the grain source. Click edit, import, and paste to add your pattern. making pattern brush in procreate
  4. Click done to keep the change.
  5. Under grain, select texturized. This keeps the pattern in the same place when you color over it.
  6. Change the scale if you want a different size. making pattern brush in procreate
  7. Under shape, change the source by clicking import, source library, and select soft. This gives the pattern a softer edge when coloring over another color. changing shape source for pattern brush
  8. Under apply pencil, change the opacity to none to create a solid pattern no matter the pressure of the Apple pencil. (The opacity can be changed when using the brush.)changing apple pencil settings for procreate
  9. Turn off all of the layers, make a new one, and test the brush out. mushroom pattern in Procreate
  10. Name your brush. You can also create a reset point.

Variations of a Seamless Pattern Brush

Once a brush is created, you can make variations by duplicating it. I also duplicate brushes to create new pattern brushes and just change out the grain source.

duplicating Procreate brush
  • A brush with lowered opacity. Draw using gray or with a lowered opacity when making your design. As you layer the brush, the color will build up to make a darker area. polka dot pattern with opacity
  • Color dynamics brush. This is so fun. Undercolor dynamics, change the color pressure settings. color dynamics with procreate pattern brushHue changes the colors to create a rainbow brush. You can also change the saturation and brightness. Secondary color gives you more control over which colors are used. You can make it as subtle or bold as you want. And you can combine these to create really fun brushes. (I have an entire post about color dynamics here.)color changing mushroom brush in procreate
  • Change the scale. Make your pattern different sized by changing the scale under the grain source setting.
  • Textured patterns. Use brushes with texture to create fun textured designs.
  • Allover texture. Create subtle texture brushes to make allover texture brushes. green watercolor splatter pattern brush lemon art with watercolor splatter pattern brush

Tips for Using Pattern Brushes

Pattern brushes can be used on their own or with alpha lock or clipping masks applied to layers.

clipping mask over shapes in procreate
clipping mask
using alpha lock in procreate with pattern brush
Alpha Lock

You can also use it almost like a stamp brush to add pattern to a certain area. Erase if you draw too much.

They can be layered to create interesting effects.

heart pattern in pinks and red

If you preserve the layers as you go, you can reuse the artwork and color it to make seamless patterns for other projects.

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